
Show Your Dog Some Love with Dog Biscuits

Since time immemorial, dogs have been man’s best friend, pet and companion. It is due to this intimate relationship man has been having with dogs that somehow has made him (man) be much nicer to dogs than to any other domestic animals. Dogs are useful in the sense that they can be used for hunting, as guides for security, for sports and most importantly, as man’s best companions in places where solace is needed. For dogs to be healthy, it is imperative that they are treated just like human beings. They need a proper balanced diet, regular screening, and frequent cleaning. To carry out all this requires determination, conveniently, for the lovers of dogs; it’s more of a responsibility than a duty.

Dog biscuits
dog treats




A dog biscuit can be compared to the normal human biscuit only that in dog’s case, the biscuit is incorporated with dietary supplement for dogs and other essential supplements for canines. Mostly, dog biscuits are dry and hard, designed to resemble a bone. Dog experts claim that the harder the biscuit is, the more beneficial it is to the dog’s teeth. Additionally, its hard texture also helps in cleaning dog’s teeth. Dog biscuits come in different flavors it is therefore important to choose one that will be more nutritious to your dog. Furthermore, dog biscuits can be baked home or bought from pets stores.

Simple dog treats

Dog biscuits are only supplements. There exist a myriad of dog treat recipe that are rather easy to make but more nutritious and delicious to dogs. For example:

1. Vegetables-dogs have a thing for green vegetables just like human beings. However, extreme caution should be taken when serving dogs vegetables so as not to accidentally serve them with an unhealthy treat. Most importantly, be acquainted with food poisonous to dogs, this will greatly help you keep them from your dog.

2. Hot dogs-turkey or reduced fat kosher hot dogs are also dogs favorite meal. Always slice them in small pieces before serving them to dogs. However, note that most hot dogs are high in fat and should therefore be served in moderation.

3. Chicken-as delicious as it is, chicken meals are also liked by our furry friends. Plain cooked chicken breasts without bones are both a luxurious and nutritious treat for the dogs.

Dog biscuits variety

· Pumpkin dog biscuits- pumpkin dog biscuits are easy to make since the ingredients are readily available. On nutritious side, pumpkins are more useful to dogs as they contain components that helps clean the digestive tract of the dogs. In addition, pumpkins also boost dog’s immunity helping them stay healthy.

· Peanut butter dog biscuits- peanut butter can be mixed with oatmeal or bacon to make it more delicious. Regardless of what you mix peanut butter with, matter of fact is its more yummy and nutritious to dogs. On the lighter note, peanut butter also provides dogs with the important fat they require.

· Banana dog biscuit- basically, one requires wheat flour, honey, baking soda, banana squash, a cup of vegetables and any other thing you may wish to add.

Regardless of what dog biscuit you choose to treat your dog with, always ensure that it’s baked with more than two ingredients. For those who like doing things on your own, this may be another adventure for you. All you need is a recipe book for dog biscuit and time and you will be set to go. Finally, make it a habit to take your dog for regular screening as this will help you spot any ailment before they spread further giving you chance to treat them on time.

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